So Good to be Back in Baja

It was a rare easy early morning to the Idaho Falls Airport yesterday.  I left the house at 4:05 AM and the roads were dry.  Not an ounce of snow or ice.  The only concern was watching out for animals.  God forbid I hit an elk or a moose.     My flight to Cabo … Read more

Another Beautiful Day Fly Fishing in Baja

Rising from your tent on the shores of the Sea of Cortez can’t be beat.  I was up with the first glimmer of daylight.  I French pressed the coffee and woke Granny just in time to see the sunrise.  The first rays of the sun are warm here and you know its going to be … Read more

A Beast of a Roosterfish on the Fly

We ended yesterday a little discouraged with the slow roosterfishing in the morning then the entourage of people on one of the best beaches during the afternoon.  It seems that do it yourself roosterfishing is a hot item these days.  As an angler of Baja for more than 20 years its hard to swallow.  But … Read more

Back to the Beaches of Baja

Its good to be back to the roosterfish beaches of Baja in May.  While I did come to Baja last year it was in March which is not roosterfish season.  I’m with longtime pals Sammy Vigneri and Grant Hartman.  Sammy and I go back 30 years to our fly shop days and Grant and I … Read more

Roosterfishing in Baja

I took the last antibiotic for my tooth yesterday.  The pills fixed the infection but the side effects were adding up.  I was feeling much like this poor deceased turtle.  But today I awoke feeling so good that Sammy, Grant and I crushed some breakfast burritos in Todos Santos then bought some beer and got … Read more

Back to Baja

I’m covering some ground lately.  I flew home from Atlanta yesterday just in time for a nice evening in the yard with Granny.  Things are greening up beautifully around Victor, ID.   Today I caught the crack o dawn flight from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake City then on to Los Cabos San Lucas.  I … Read more