Arrival in Oman – Day 1

Our Swiss Air flight was two hours late due to a mechanical leaving Dubai last night.  We arrived in Muscat, Oman at 2 AM.  By the time we cleared Omani customs, changed over money and then taxied to the Ibis Hotel it was 3 AM.  Some of the mosques we passed on our...

Memories from Fly Fishing in Sudan 2015

The wind got stronger overnight.  Traveling the 100 yards on a luggage loaded skiff from the Scuba Libre to land where our bus taxi awaited was hectic.  Mainland Sudan was experiencing a full on sandstorm.  Mutters of damn you “Monsoon Currier” were heard clearly...

Rest Day in Dubai

Saltwater fly fishing trips beat you up in the “good” way.  They can be exhausting.  Add in some rugged weather and bus travel across a place like Sudan followed by a four hour flight back to Dubai – I was wrecked today.   To add to yesterdays big travel day from...

The Wrath of the Red Sea in Sudan

The wind never let up and now the temperature has dropped to the 60’s here on the Nubian Flats for our last day.  It was so cold up top the boat where I usually sleep in my superlight sleeping bag that I moved down into sleeping quarters for the first time in two...

Monsoon Currier Strikes in Sudan

Weather hasn’t just been tough on the East Coast in the US, here in Sudan the Tourette – Fight it in Africa team has been struggling with unusually high winds all season.  In case you haven’t saltwater fly fished, there’s almost always wind to contend with, but the...