Lake Fishing with Phil Rowley on Island Park Reservoir

It’s good to be home trout fishing again, and today was especially good to be trout fishing on one of my favorite lakes, Island Park Reservoir.  Best of all, I was with my buddy and lake fly fishing expert, Phil Rowley from Canada.  Phil has quickly become one of the...

Finally on Home Waters – The Lower Nunya

Our boat seemed abandoned and until these past two days my new silver 1991 Explorer had yet to take us fishing.  I don’t like being away so much in the months of June and July but that’s the way it panned out.  Monday night Granny and I headed off on our favorite...

Memories from Selwyn Lake Lodge 2015

The smoke was back this morning at Selwyn Lake Lodge.  There was so much of it that there was concern about flying out on our way home.  But although we were late, not leaving till 5 PM, we made the first leg to Stony Rapids on the Beaver.  Departing at 5 was in a...

Bonus Time at Selwyn Lake Lodge

It was time to begin the journey home today and wouldn’t you know, there was no smoke and not a cloud in the sky.  I was aggravated to say the least knowing that if today were yesterday we’d have flown to the Sand Dunes and Hunt Falls.  But sipping coffee outside my...

Athabasca Sand Dunes Out of Reach

6 AM came early but we had a full day of flying planned to some special places, the Athabasca Sand Dunes and Hunt (Lefty’s) Falls.  There was some fishing involved too.  The flats in front of the Sand Dunes for pike then Arctic grayling at the falls.  But the venture...