First Roosterfish of 2017

I’m not sure how many times in a row weather on fishing trips can go wrong but I guess there’s no limit when your nickname is “Monsoon”.  Granny and I came to the East Cape of Baja yesterday to escape the cold and clouds of the Pacific side but unfortunately those...

Escape from the Pacific Side Cold

We headed out for three nights of fishing and camping today but we relaxed at Sammy’s condo in the morning and left around noon.  It was a matter of taking the time to be properly organized for camping on the beach.  Also, we suffered through an 18 inning Cubs loss...

Pacific Surf Too Cool to Handle

We probably should’ve suspected a rough day of fishing.  Last night around dinner time it got cold here on the Pacific side of Baja.  Like in the 50°s cold!  Then this morning we woke up to the same and dense fog and clouds.  Didn’t matter though, we packed up the car...

Roosterfishing Beach Jam Ends with New Species

I left out another roosterfishing hazard yesterday – other anglers.  Roosters are so amazing that these days anglers head for Baja with rods and camping gear with no idea what they’re doing.  Granny and I drove an excruciating two hours of dirt to get to one of my...

Roosterfishing Isn’t for Sissies

I’ve been roosterfishing the beaches of Baja for over 20 years.  Granny has never been, but she has rolled her eyes a time or two when I got home from a week of roosterfishing.  I generally lay on the couch and limp around the yard the first few days complaining of...