Brown Trout can be Tricky Anywhere

We didn’t get to bed until almost 2 AM last night.  The lamb chops Kristjan and Bjarni made were splendid and Ingo’s red wine was a perfect match.  It was a fun evening into the morning celebrating such an unreal first day of fishing on Lake Thingvallavatn with my...

Ice Age Brown Trout of Iceland

When I hopped from my Idaho bed yesterday at 4 am I had a goal, be fishing in Iceland within 24 hours. When my flight leg from Salt Lake City to New York City got delayed, my dream faded.  However once again, flying excessively with Delta worked to my advantage and...

Headed for Brown Trout in Iceland

It was a short but sweet visit home for two days.  The weather was nice and Granny and I had our first night of the year out on the front steps with wine and a killer sunset.  But while she was at work I was packing – packing for my third trip to Iceland!  ...

Blogging Drought comes to an End Starting Now

I don’t think I’ve gone so long without loading a blog since starting the blog in October of 2009.  However, with the show season and two trips to Africa to start the year, I found myself so far behind in the basics of life it was daunting.  I’m talking paying bills,...