An Arizona Vacation Feast

Granny and I are down here in Phoenix, Arizona visiting friends Steve and Lisa Berry.  As you learned the past couple blogs we’re down here mainly to fly fish for urban carp and bass.  But we have about a week so today, being its Lisa’s day off, we opted to join some...

Back on the Arizona Carp Waters

Fly fishing for carp has become so big here in the Phoenix, Arizona area that the first spot we hit today was already occupied.  It’s true.  With trout fishing locations hours away, folks are taking advantage of the good stuff near home.  I think it’s great but in...

Taking the Long Way to Phoenix

After a week of shoveling, Tuesday afternoon Granny and I loaded my 1991 Explorer and headed south for Arizona.  We didn’t head south because of the snow but rather because we each have some time off.  Originally we were scheduled to work the Pleasanton Fly Fishing...

The “Super Grand Slam”

The “Super Grand Slam” painting is done for my friend Mike Lodge.  It’s a tricky process putting four fish on one piece of watercolor paper.  They must be aligned perfect and there’s thought put into the order and size of each fish in the painting.  Then there’s the...

Quiet but Alive and Well

If you’re a regular blog follower and wondering why the lack of posts, it’s plain and simple, I’m not fishing now.  I was supposed to be in Baja but we had to do some last minute rescheduling.  Instead, it’s my usual life at home.  I’m working on a large size “Flats...