How to Land the Little Ones

My Yellow Dog Flyfishing One Fly Teammates, Josh Mills, Bryan Gregson, Tom Bie and I practiced today.  We were casual about it.  Instead of rushing out, the day began with a big breakfast cooked up by Josh.  It was a fantastic way to start.   Our time was limited...

The “Don Hill” Float

Bob Butler and I have fished together a lot this summer from his drift boat.  Occasionally he mentions we may need to take his “Don Hill”, almost as though I should know what the “Don Hill” is.  I wasn’t sure, but I gathered it was a boat.  And I assumed a special...

An Evening Search for Muskie

The hardest thing about departing Idaho wasn’t saying goodbye to my beloved Henry’s Fork, it was leaving 34 years worth of friends.  What eased the pain was that lucky for us, we have a lot of friends here in Wisconsin that we left 34 years ago for Idaho.  Most all...

Bring On the September Fishing

Granny and I packed the van around 3 PM yesterday and headed for Lake Superior.  We camped last night near Bayfield and got up bright and early to start a dock fishing tour around Chequamegon Bay.  The sun rose noticeably further to the south than when we were here...