The Wrath of the Red Sea in Sudan

The wind never let up and now the temperature has dropped to the 60’s here on the Nubian Flats for our last day.  It was so cold up top the boat where I usually sleep in my superlight sleeping bag that I moved down into sleeping quarters for the first time in two...

Glass to Froth – Flyfishing the Red Sea Day 3

Sorry for the delay of blogs.  Please understand I am so far out in the boonies of Oman there is no contact with the world.  We are presently getting supplies in Salalah, Oman.  Daily accounts will catch up as possible.   We awoke to the unusual sight of calm...

Manhandled by a Giant Trevally – Day 2

Day 2 provided light wind and clear skies, ideal for flats fishing.  Mike and I went with Fede to a small island in sight of the Scuba Libre.  Our focus was triggerfish and giant trevally (GT).   When I walk the flats I have my 9-weight Winston in hand with my...

Fly Fishing in Sudan – Day 1

I enjoyed a deep sleep under the stars chilled by a cool Red Sea and Sahara Desert breeze.  Our boat the Scuba Libre was parked close to mainland Sudan last night.  So close I was awoken to the call to prayer from a mosque in a distant village.  The morning was colder...