Too Nice for Carp

It wasn’t worth speeding and fishtailing treacherously down the dusty roads of Idaho like it was our first time fly fishing for huge carp.  Today’s Blackfoot Reservoir trip wasn’t only my most humbling carp day ever but also the most strenuous hiking and fishing day...

Trout Can’t Hide at 33% – Island Park Reservoir

Say the word reservoir to a trout fly fishermen and they run for cover like cutthroat in the radar of an osprey.  Mention furthermore that the reservoir is only 33% full and they envision a dried up cracked earth desert.  Personally, I love fly fishing the reservoirs...

Carp and Crossbows don’t Mix

It’s a specialty of mine getting folks to fish for more than salmonids.  Here in trout filled Idaho we have excellent fly fishing for carp but the challenge is getting people to do it.  Even one of my business partners in Fish and Game Art Gifts, Harvey Cohen, who...