Home Sweet Victor Idaho

Granny and I walked in our door Monday afternoon after the agonizing 14 hour drive home from the CA tour.  I say agonizing because we were sick as dogs.  Since Monday afternoon we’ve both got more rest and sleep than we have all year.  Although we have a ways to go to...

Conclusion of the Yeti Pro/Am Redfish Tournament

Last night the forecast for today, Day 2 of the Yeti Pro/Am Fly Redfish Tournament, was ugly.  High wind and heavy rain was a threat.  There was talk from a few teams about bagging fishing altogether.  Not our team.  Capt. Scott MacCalla, LeighAnn Bakunas and I had to...

The Yeti Ambassadors Summit Redfish Tournament

I’m proud to be one of an elite group of Yeti Ambassadors.  The group not only consists of some dang good fly fishers but also Kevin VanDam, professional bass angler, and the best athletes in other sports ranging from snowboarders to rodeo cowboys to hunters.  This...