New Additions for My Fly Rod Species List

Early morning comes painfully when you picked up the crud on a fishing trip.  Now both Sammy and I are feeling like crap.  Nonetheless, today is our last day of fishing down here in Baja Mexico with pal Grant Hartman.  There was no way we weren’t sucking it up and...

Dunking Clouser’s Around the Lobster Traps

Sammy Vigneri and I go all the way back to 1987 as friends.  Grant Hartman and I met down here in Baja in 1996 when I drove down here all the way from Jackson Hole.  Grant had just started Baja Anglers and I was on a six week long trip camped on a beach up north of...

Snapperless at Snapper Rocks

We planned an early start for our drive north this morning from Magdalena Bay but unfortunately Sammy caught the crud.  Sam and I were kind of expecting it because Grant was hurting when we got here.  Hopefully I’m not next.   Luckily we only had a couple hours...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone!  Granny and I were so focused on our fishing and relaxing that we missed TG altogether.  While yesterdays fishing was slow, our chicken wing dinner was delicious.  And perhaps all the good wing protein led to todays excellent day...

Yellowtail Get Smart Fast

Our accommodation here in the boonies of Baja is simple.  Our rooms are basically a kid’s fort made of plywood.  We have comfortable beds but only one light blanket.  Evenings have been cool in the 50°s so we’ve been sleeping in our fleeces.  Last night dipped into...