European Nymph Fishing Machines!

It was a long dreary bus ride to Sector 1 of the Upper Morava River for me to start competition today for the World Masters Fly Fishing Championships here in the Czech Republic.  For nearly two weeks the weather has been spectacular, but of course, the first...

Full Team Czech Nymphing Practice

Its getting to the point where I have no time to write the blog each day for this trip here in the Czech Republic for the World Masters Fly Fishing Championships – at least not in full detail.  Our schedule is sun up to sun down and more and I need to be somewhat...

European Nymphing Tune Up Begins

A reminder to those just tuning in.  I’m in Eastern Czech Republic for the World Masters Fly Fishing Championships.  The competition doesn’t start till mid next week but Team Manager Jerry Arnold and I came early to do some recon with local expert fishing guide David...