A Full Day of Fun for St. Joe River Valley Fly Fishers

It was a fun day down in South Bend, Indiana delivering a full day fly fishing seminar for the St. Joseph River Valley Fly Fishers.  The weather was beautiful.  There were a few clouds but hardly any wind and a comfortable temperature of 80°.  We had a wide variety of...

California Speaking Tour has been a Blast!

I’m deep into the California speaking tour.  I spoke to Tracy Fly Fishers last week then at the Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show over the weekend.  Both were excellent with high attendance for the show and all my presentations.  Here’s a shot of me teaching the Double Haul...

Snowless Weekend Draws Big Crowd to MA Fly Fishing Show

Each of the last five years at the Marlboro Fly Fishing Show we dealt with a Saturday snowstorm which thinned crowds.  Who wants to drive on snowy roads in Massachusetts?  This year however, mother nature provided perfect weather – dry roads.  The fun event was...