Finally Back to doing My Thing!

I’ve been getting lots of necessary “indoor” chores done the last two weeks such as organizing my winter speaking tour, some artwork and I packed for some upcoming adventures.  I got the tasks done only because I was grounded after going under the knife in late...
Swimming with a Sea Monster – the Arapaima

Swimming with a Sea Monster – the Arapaima

Trips like these start to take their toll towards the end of the week.  Everyone was dragging a bit and no one was on time for the scheduled 5 AM breakfast.  We’ve been putting in long days and having some fun at night.  And it’s the Amazon, it’s a harsh environment...
Fly Fishing in Guyana from Rewa Eco-Lodge

Fly Fishing in Guyana from Rewa Eco-Lodge

I relished a relaxing cup of coffee overlooking the Rewa this morning well before anyone else woke up.  While I enjoyed watching a caiman across river and a pair of Giant Amazon otters playing, I couldn’t get my mind off catching my first arapaima yesterday.  These...
Dream Comes True – Arapaima on the Fly

Dream Comes True – Arapaima on the Fly

At dinner last night Matt Breuer announced that today we’d be hiking 30 minutes into the Caiman Pond.  The significance here is that Caiman Pond is the best arapaima location Rewa Eco-Lodge has discovered.  More than half the arapaima caught since this fishery was...