Fly Fishing in Ireland Comes to an End

It’s been a wonderful trip over here in Ireland competing in the World Masters Fly Fishing Championships.  I can’t explain how exciting it’s been to return to world competition.  It’s like I went back in time.  Furthermore, it had been fifteen years since I’ve seen...

A Last Day Surge in the World Flyfishing Championships

5 AM arrived without the need of a wakeup call.  I was ready.  Scott was ready.  We drank coffee and relaxed before a 6:30 breakfast then all of Team USA boarded buses for the last day and last two sessions of the World Masters Fly Fishing Championships.   My...

Day Off for the Cliffs of Moher

The one thing you get better at as you get older is putting the bad behind you and moving forward.  Yesterday’s terrible afternoon session for Team USA had me down last night but today I woke up and started preparing for the last two sessions for tomorrow.  I’m ready...