The Last Day on the Bull Trout Waters

It has been nice to fish almost every day this week.  Its finally hitting me that my winter show tour is in the rearview.  Today was my last day fishing here in Central Oregon with my friend Scott Robertson.  It’s a bummer, but I suspect it won’t be long before we’re...

Coldest Day Yet Brings on the Best Bull Bite

We were fortunate not to have snow and wind today but man was it a cold one.  Scott Robertson, Paul Snowbeck and I headed for Lake Billy Chinook around 8 AM.  We took the drive slow because Scott’s truck thermometer wouldn’t budge from the 28° mark.  Despite the slow...

A True Test of the Shoulder

The pain in my left (stripping) shoulder has eased some since the start of 2023, but it’s still there.  In February I managed to see an Orthopedic Dr.  I got an X-Ray that showed no damage.  I also got some PT exercises to try and scheduled an MRI for April 13. ...