An Education Fishing the Sterkfontein Dam

A horrible front has moved in.  The strength of the wind is the same as yesterday yet it’s done a complete about face.  Our temperature has dropped from an enjoyable 75° to a miserable 55° so with the wind it’s no less than horrifically cold.  Yet we’re at the...

Fly Fishing for Bass in South Africa

The sounds around camp here on the Gourits River in South Africa last night put me in a deep sleep.  Granny and I were serenaded by frogs, birds, jackals and more all night long.  I woke up bright at 5 AM and made some instant coffee and kicked back and worked on the...

Fly Fishing the Gourits River of South Africa

Our South African adventure isn’t a week old yet and we’ve done lots.  We have our travel groove on thanks to Craig and Coreta Smith.  They’ve shown us a beautiful piece of the Garden Route along the coast of South Africa.  But today Craig and Coreta drove us north...