Fishing with Old Pals on a Busy River

It’s been eleven years since I worked fulltime running the Jack Dennis Fly Shop in Jackson Hole.  I was there for 23 years and cycled through many generations of employees.  Most were kids on summer break from college.  Almost all became close friends and remarkably, I’m still in touch with many.  When they re-visit this … Read more

Back in the Jackson Hole One Fly!

I got to fish in the Jackson Hole One Fly for a few years in a row back around 2009-2014 as a guest of my friend Gary Eckman.  When Gary stepped out I thought my One Fly days were over.  Then Simms entered a team and I fished another year but they only did it … Read more

Fall Fishing on the South Fork

When I started working the fly shop gig back in 1987, one of my first big sales was a set of XL Simms Neoprene Waders along with shoes and detachable gravel guards.  My customer at the time, Ken Holder, continued to use me as his sales person and source for fishing info for years to … Read more