My Birthday with South African Friends

I nearly always fish on my birthday and today was the day.  To spice it up two of my South African friends rolled into town, Rob Scott and Keith Clover, founders of Tourette Fishing (now called African Waters).  These are two great African friends of mine.  We go all...

Out of Cameroon by a Thirty Second Miracle!

We had a fun night in Garoua, Cameroon all considering.  We were trapped there yesterday after being bumped off our CamAir flight that was to take us to Douala where tonight we are scheduled to catch our international flights home.  We shared tsetse fly bite misery...

Travel Home Uncertainty

We’re headed home today and planned for a 9 AM departure from camp so we could enjoy a leisurely morning before the four hour drive back to the Garoua Airport.  Our flight back to Douala wasn’t scheduled to leave until 5 PM so we’d have time for lunch at the Le...

Africa is a Fragile Place

It wasn’t just me moving slow on the morning of day 4 here in Cameroon.  I got up around 7 and most of the guys didn’t make the coffee pot before 8.  We’ve been running hard long days from 8 AM till midnight almost every day.  Toss in the 100° temps and the rugged...

Douala to Garoua, Cameroon for Nile Perch

While chilling at the Seamans Mission I learned that I have two friends on this Cameroon fishing trip (don’t ask how I didn’t know). Jako Lucas, fellow Yellow Dog Ambassador and photographer Nick Kelly.  They’re here to do some photography and make a short film likely...

South Africa Worlds Blogs Update

All this spare time waiting to head to the river here in Cameroon allowed me time to finish the final posts about the World Master’s Flyfishing Championships in South Africa.  See February 12 & February 14.  Almost caught up!    Jeff Currier Global Fly...