The Smallie Gods Finally Deliver!

The Smallie Gods Finally Deliver!

Boy, it’s been hard to get my man Howie (Matt Norton) on the water this summer.  Howie has more company visit than anyone I know.  And when he doesn’t, he’s often busy getting the Norton estate ready for the next round of guests.   I’ve been razing Howie, but not...

A New Personal Best Smallmouth Bass

The man who helped Granny and I with this move to Wisconsin more than anyone was my old Northland College roommate Matt (Howie) Norton.  In the process Howie and I talked often about how much fishing we’d be doing once I got here.  But since officially moving here on...

A Bear, A Porcupine and Smallmouth Slabs

Fall is in the air.  Bob Butler and I met at 5 AM in pitch dark.  A month ago, we didn’t need headlights at 5.  We drove an hour dodging deer the whole way to our boat launch on the unnamed river.  Even at 6 AM, though dawn was breaking, it wasn’t easy to see.  We...