
Taking in All that Gabon has to Offer

Most time on a far-flung fishing trip is for fishing but always devote some time to take in a few other highlights.  Discover the culture, meet the people, take your eyes off the water occasionally and look around.  Always allow yourself the flexibility to jump on an opportunity.  These are things I preach in my … Read more


First Fish of 2025 is in Africa

After a long 7 hour and 30 minute flight from Paris, me and my Yellow Dog Flyfishing hosted group arrived in Libreville, Gabon about 8 PM last night.  It took a while to work our way into the system because we needed to obtain entry VISA’s but it all went smooth for the most part.  … Read more

African Waters Meets Idaho Snow

There’s nothing more fun to me than to share my waters with friends from afar.  Especially when they’ve done the same for me on their home turf.  Today Tim Brune and I took my longtime South African friends Rob Scott and Keith Clover, founders of Tourette Fishing (now known as African Waters), fishing in a … Read more

My Birthday with South African Friends

I nearly always fish on my birthday and today was the day.  To spice it up two of my South African friends rolled into town, Rob Scott and Keith Clover, founders of Tourette Fishing (now called African Waters).  These are two great African friends of mine.  We go all the way back to 2010 when … Read more

The Unknown Specie & a Monster

November 7, 2010 Its hard to believe today was our last day. It’s possible we might get out on the water for a couple hours in the morning but it’s doubtful because we need to catch up on interviews for the film. Today was likely it. And knowing that, the South Africans put on their … Read more