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At 2 AM I was woken in the middle of a strange marlin dream.  I was getting attacked by a mounted one!  But what truly woke me was a weaving palm tree outside our room here in San Carlos, Baja on the shores of Magdalena Bay.  There’s been hardly any wind this week but...

Striped Marlin Get Picky Too

We got another nice early start on the water here in Magdalena Bay on the Pacific side of Baja.  My boys Sammy and Grant along with our boatman Norberto were ready to cheer me on.  I am after my first striped marlin on the fly after a long time trying.   Like...

Time to Break the Curse

You may remember my milkfish troubles over the years.  I simply couldn’t catch one.  I had the disastrous day for them when I arrived in Providence last April.  But then on the second to last day at Providence, I finally caught one, ending a war with my second most...

My Marlin on the Fly Curse Lives On

The day started very early at dawn under unbelievable skies with a quick dredge where we’ve been sticking the tuna this week.  I nailed my second yellowfin tuna on the fly.  Sammy picked up Grants fly rig and dredged with me.  He had his first yellowfin hook up on the...