The Big One is in the Books

The Edison NJ Fly Fishing show is a monster and though very successful for Granny and I, we are feeling it this morning.  I delivered six different presentations at the show and decorated numerous fly boxes, instruments and packs for folks.  Though I love every minute...

Fly Fishing Show Season Starts in Marlboro, MA

Time to travel – its fly fishing show time and my three month long tour that includes delivering casting demonstrations, PowerPoint presentations and lots of drawing for spectators on fly boxes, backpacks, Yeti’s and more starts this weekend at the Marlborough,...

A Full Day of Fun for St. Joe River Valley Fly Fishers

It was a fun day down in South Bend, Indiana delivering a full day fly fishing seminar for the St. Joseph River Valley Fly Fishers.  The weather was beautiful.  There were a few clouds but hardly any wind and a comfortable temperature of 80°.  We had a wide variety of...

A Full Schedule in Indiana and Michigan Starts Now!

As always, it’s hard to leave Victor in the heart of summer.  The yard is cozy.  I’ve been growing a hummingbird flower garden for years and it’s finally stunning and I have hummers buzzing around like mad.  We also have two bird houses with clutches of tree swallows...